Saturday, February 10, 2018

It's Only A Movie... It's Only A Movie...

Porn Shoot Massacre

Directed By: Corbin Timbrook  2008

“Seven unlucky adult film stars are about to switch genres: from porn to gore. Will any of them make it out alive?”
Come on who can resist a tag like that?  This movie is much better than it has any right to be, I mean really it is.  Of course it has the usual problems associated with low budget film making, not the greatest actors nor the big dollar fx but this throwback to the masked psycho/low budget slashers of the 80s does have some style and utilizes the sets beautifully to create a claustrophobic, sleazy, creepy feel that carries the film past its faults.  The storyline is pretty simple – there’s a new porn director in town, Donald Malfini, and he’s offering outlandish amounts of money to the girls to make films with him. None of them question the cheap, nasty warehouse he’s using for the film though, nor do they say much about his fake beard and none of them notice the peeping tom or the discreet security cameras filming their every move.  The title gives it away so it is no surprise to find out that Malfini is making a “specialist film” shall we say, as we witness the girls being picked off one by one by a masked killer known simply as Brute.

With a shitload of hot chicks including porn starlets Kasey Poteet (aka Diana Prince) and Naomi Cruise and wrestling chick Shelly Martinez, there’s plenty of eye candy on the screen too. (We wont mention the dwarf… oops I just did!)
Gorehounds will probably be disappointed as the majority of the gore is more offscreen than on though the crimson does flow, the entrails do come out and the brutality though off screen still manages to leave a nasty taste in your mouth.  Of course, there has to be a twist as Malfini soon discovers when his crew start feeling the wrath of Brute and we all discover that this film is in fact a morality tale about greed!  And while I’m not a big fan of the current trend of the bad guy winning and the hero losing I have to say that the bleak ending in this film suits the story to a tee. There really is no other way to end it. Like I said at the start of this review- this movie is much better than it has any right to be. But that’s what I love about low budget films, the surprise packages. 

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